Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"My Cup Over Flows"

I'll keep this brief.  Still learning much-a-do about blogging and designing this page for maximum "AWESOMENESS".  I am SO humbled and thrilled by the generous outpouring of love and support from....well YOU know who you ARE!!! Whether you emailed,commented, "liked" or are one of the first to "Follow".... My heart is so filled with warmth, appreciation and strength that it overflows.  I feel your excitement and I will draw off that energy!  I cannot wait to sculpt this space into a cozy, hip, pit-stop to entertain, educate and intrigue.  I hope you will leave here feeling a little bit happier than when you stopped in.

On a random note, I was walking to catch the commuter van to work this morning and to what to my surprise.....of course, ONLY in New York.....a man in a tuxedo, top hat AND stilts!  YES!  Stilts! I quickly reached into my trunk (i.e. my 18 lb purse-I'll save that for it's OWN posting at a later date!), grabbed my trusty canon elf and *snap*! The man saw me and smiled just in time! I thought to myself, "The perfect, cool, quirky first picture for your blog!-AWESOME." :)

 "A Girl's GOTTA ROCK" \m/>.<\m/ ...... with that said I'm TOTALLY digging the group BAND OF SKULLS.  It's been quite sometime since I have "sat" with an album for over a week listening to every song.  Ipods make it so easy to appease our quick-to-bore, instant-gratification D.J. dream.  I'm including a link to their website.  I would say they are a little The White Stripes meets The Rolling Stones with a dash of Hendrix- Heavy and Tasty.  I appreciate the male and female lead vocals.  They can rock and they can serenade. An ecclectic group of songs with intelligent, real lyrics.....listen and be moved. (Side note: I'll try to post a video...not sure if it'll work....still learning.)

Death By Diamond and Pearls

I made "Dan's My Thai" for the first time and it was SPECTACULAR!  Check back tomorrow for the recipe!!!  It's easy, a lil spicy and yummy.  Thanks Dan!
Just sayin......



  1. cool page kelly,but what do we do here?i'm a computer virgen.

  2. Only in NY top hat and stilts thats why we love NY, very cool blog. :)
