Thursday, December 9, 2010

"20 years and Then Some Later......"

No, this blog isn't about my battle with procrastination. I'll put that off for a little bit longer. This IS however a grand example of this lifelong struggle to be timely. Below is an entry that I wrote the 2nd week of November and yes, I'm very aware that it is the 2nd week of December.  So with my head hung low, I post this untimely entry with the intent of entertaining or perhaps distracting if but for a moment and maybe, just maybe sparking your interest.......

Living in New York City provides many opportunities and outlets for your above average music lover and aficionado.  I had the great pleasure, 2 weeks ago, of seeing 3 bands that have been together for 20 years or more.  Tuesday night, The Black Crowes played at The Best Buy Theatre in midtown (formerly the Nokia Theatre).  Thursday night, Social Distortion rocked Roseland on West 52nd. Finally, on Saturday night, Don Hill's was THE place to be!  Dramarama brought the house down at the ANYTHING ANYTHING 2nd Anniversary Show! My overall impression of ALL 3 shows is "WOW!  I am SO lucky to live in this awesome city!"  When bands play here, unlike many other cities, they ALWAYS bring their "A" game.  As an audience member I am keenly aware of this honor and am so thankful for the privilege to witness such talent first hand.
  20 years is quite a milestone for any relationship.  The peaks and valleys over such a period of time are indelible and so it goes with rock bands....... 

  The Black Crowes celebrated their 20th Anniversary by playing 5 nights in New York City at the Best Buy Theatre.  Fashionably late,  I arrived at 9:00 pm.   I admit "Kelly-Time" comes to mind for some of you who know me all too well. For those who don't, "Kelly-Time" is 15 minutes later than the actual start time of any event.  Yes, I have my own "Time Zone".  It mostly exists in Florida and not so much here in NYC.  But I digress.......
NYC 2010 Best Buy Theatre, The Black Crowes

I approached the EMPTY bar in the lobby of the concert hall, ordered a Jack & Coke and asked the bartender if the opening band was still playing. She said there is no opening band. The Crowes had been playing since 8:30.  8:30 !!!
I grabbed my drink and rushed into the hall.  It was general admission. 
The theatre has 3 levels, two are standing room only and the top has some theatre seats.  The crowd was not packed in and I was able to maneuver my way to the third row stage left.  They sounded great and what I enjoyed most of all was watching all the band members smiling and really enjoying playing together.  There were many smiles shared and a general vibe of well-being.  Incense filled the air and we all grooved on the energy that ONLY The Crowes can provide. They played for almost 3 and a half hours with one 5 minute intermission and one encore.  They reached deep into their catalog.  In true Black Crowes fashion, they didn't even "SELL OUT" with their playlist. "Hard to Handle" was one of few popular songs the played. A testament to standing the test of time, The Black Crowes are as good and in many ways better than they were 20 years ago.  I will always be a fan.  
                                                 "VIRTUE & VICE" ~The Black Crowes

NYC 2010 Roseland, Social D
  Punk band Social Distortion has the dubious honor of having 30 yrs and then some, under their studded black leather belts.  Though many of the band memebers have changed over the years, Mike Ness has managed to keep the anthem and core sound of Social D alive and kickin.  Roseland was packed and Lucero ushered in Social D with their great Memphis "Punk-try" sound.  Raucous revelry ensued during Social Distortion's "When She Begins" with an encore of their famous cover of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire".  Fun was had by all who attended. I have seen them play twice in my life and if you are looking for a high energy, great rockin time, go see Social D live.  You won't be disappointed.                                           
                                               "WHEN SHE BEGINS" ~ Social Distortion

NYC 2010 Don Hill's, The Dirty Pearls
On an impulse Friday night, while listening to my friend and brilliant DJ, Bruno's "New Wave and Classic Alternative" show on WFCF at Flagler college, I decided to get tickets for Saturday night's ANYTHING ANYTHING 2nd Anniversary show.  It was a 4 band billing with Dramarama was headlining.  Don Hill's, off Greenwich and Spring, is a gem of a venue. Small without being cramped and a sound system that left my ears ringing until Sunday night (I'm not kidding.  Note to self:  Keep ear plugs in clutch.)  I arrived at 9pm.  I entered the dark club and made my way passed the sea of leather, rivets, studs and tats placing my order at the bar.  With Jack & Coke in hand, I made my way to the rightside of the stage.  The Dirty Pearls were setting up and I had a front row advantage.  I cannot say enough great things about the energy of the Dirty Pearls. A Rock n Roll good time!  They brought me back to my fondest memories of the early 90's local rock scene in Tallahassee.  Such amazing memories and some of the best musicians that I proudly call my friends!  The Dirty Pearls play original music that has a a heartbeat all it's own.  They closed with The Ramone's "Sheena's a Punk Rocker" and their New York Anthem "New York City is a Drug".       
                                      "NEW YORK CITY IS DRUG" ~The Dirty Pearls

NYC 2010 Don Hill's, Dramarama
I was so impressed that I intend on seeing these guys again soon... real soon.  After a brief intermission, Dramarama took the stage.  John Easdale dawned a black leather fedora and belted out songs like he was singing them for the first time.  Along with original guitarist, Mark Englert, the newer members of Dramarama played with verve and enthusiasm.  Easdale finishing his TAB cola, mentioned that he an Englert had played at their high school prom in the 80's.  Yes, TAB !  I'm not sure when I last saw a TAB. I think it was the 80's!  They encored with "Last Cigarette" and the crowd pleasing rock anthem "Anything Anything".  Yours truly danced my booty off and wished the song would never end.  On a side note, Easdale said that she said "Yes!"  And perhaps that was not such a great idea considering they are no longer married. At the end of the evening Dramarama invited all the earlier bands back on stage and performed  the Rolling Stone's classic "It's Only Rock n Roll" and closed with KISS's "I Wanna Rock n Roll All Night" !  The show was an injection of rock n roll energy and my ears didn't recover until Monday.
                                                           "ANYTHING ANYTHING" ~Dramarama

Bottomline:  "A Girl's Gotta ROCK!"  \m/>.<\m/ Just sayin.

    Kelly :)

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